Saturday, November 17, 2007

A Pint Glass of Water

I actually said that in a bar last weekend. Twice to be exact. Of course they didn't put their bar water into a nice pint glass like everyone else with a beer. i got a little plastic cup. I didn't mind. When it was time to toast my colleague who was on his way out of Tucson and into the swamp we call Washington, D.C., i hoisted high my glass of water.

this is a far cry to the pre-chemo George.

Fact is I've only had one beer since mid-August. It was about three weeks ago; to celebrate Julie's visit to Tucson. It was a skinny bottle of Fat Tire ale. Good beer. I used to be able to polish one of those in about 90 seconds. this time it took me 45 minutes. it gave me a buzz and wiped me out an hour later.

I've been to house gatherings and parties since I finished chemo.. For the first time in my bar wandering life I have been able to sit in a pub, dive or at a dinner table and not get anxious for some sort of alcohol concoction.

I remember going into chemo. and asking Dr. Ahmann if I could drink during my treatment. (Wow -- that's a sign of something: either a problem or dedication... or likely both). He said I could have a drink with dinner. Moderation is key, he reminded me. He didn't know my habits.

But looking at how alcohol affected me that night with Julie, I just don't need it right now.


....J.Michael Robertson said...

This could be a good thing. As long as you don't criticize those around you in an elevated mood. Which you would not do.

Sarah said...

You are all set for when men can have babies and breast feed now. I'm constantly amazed at how many conversations I remember now.

Paul Contreras said...

Its like i said...we will never go back to those old ways. Its not that we can't..but its more...why should we? We are not 21 anymore. Oh sure, there will be a time when a few beers and some whiskey will be calling...And its up to us to answer that calling...and drink! Drink lads drink! Sorry. Things change, we change, people change.
