Tuesday, October 30, 2007


i received the latest bill from the University Medical Center.

The total bill for chemotherapy is $30,182.89. My share came out to $80.

The bill includes a line charge for every day I was at the clinic.

the daily cost ranges from $75 (appointment with my oncologist) to $4,036 (CT Scan). Charges for the actual administration of the chemicals seem to range from $488.78 (as far as I can tell, that's for the bleo. injections) to $1,773.70.

Again, health care is expensive. I can't imagine what I'd do without it and I can't imagine what others do without it.


....J.Michael Robertson said...

book book book; it is your destiny to write a book about this

Paul Contreras said...

ive been without health care since 31 days...my pills cost 49 bucks...with coverage...5.